Akamai Phased Release
At my day job I am migrating one of our websites to AWS. It is fronted by Akamai and we are using the Phased Release Cloudlet to split traffic between the on-premise instances and the AWS instances during our migration...
Polymath? Dilettante? Just ADHD?
At my day job I am migrating one of our websites to AWS. It is fronted by Akamai and we are using the Phased Release Cloudlet to split traffic between the on-premise instances and the AWS instances during our migration...
My very first screencast. Work through some of the exercism.io problems in Ruby....
As part of the Google Developers Group in Seattle, I presented an introduction to writing Go. Starts at 53 minutes. Slides at https://github.com/jhulten/presentation-learning-golang....
So it has been over a year since I first posted my daily routine, what worked, what didn't, and what I felt I needed to do different. That post has been a favorite, so I...